In the evening I usually go for a walk for about an hour and a half. The restaurants, bars and houses are all hugging the harbour and the area is mostly on the flat. High mountains rise behind the settlement. This means that to go for a walk I always need to climb the mountain. The rest of the walk is across the top of the island which is undulating but not steep climbs. The first hill is the killer. I have tried all sort of different tracks but in the end the steps is possibly the best. After conquering them the rest of the walk is easy.
Το βράδυ συνέθος πάω για βόλτα για μία και μησί ώρα. Τα εστιατόρια, μπάρ και τα σπίτια όλλα έιναι κοντά το λιμάνι και είναι αναπεπταμένο. Ωιλά βουνά είναι πίσω απο αυτά. Πότε περπατήσω πάντα χρειάστεται να ανέβηκω τα βουνά.
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